Corel Website Creator ini cukup mudah untuk digunakan, banhkan untuk seorang pemula saja akan mampu membuat dan mendesain website mereka dengan mudah, hal ini karena Corel website Creator menyediakan yang namanya fasilitas Drag and Drop.
Kemudahan yang ditawarkan oleh Corel website Creator inilah yang menjadikan kemudahan dan interface yang simple dan juga tidak membingungkan sehingga software ini banyak diminati oleh banyak para Web Designer baik itu local maupun interlokal, hehehehe.
Nah sebelum agan-agan Download Corel website Creator X6 ini alangkah bijaksananya jika agan-agan baca dulu apa saja fitur yang ada pada software ini dan spesifikasi komputer yang seperti apa yang dibutuhkan untuk menginstal software ini.
Fitur Corel website Creator X6 :
- Easy navigation management
- Quickly navigate your site without leaving Page View using the Site Navigation palette. When you add, delete or rearrange pages, all the navigation and page links are updated automatically.
- Built-in security and enhancements
- Get password protection, PHP and ASP languages, interactive forms, guestbooks, RSS feeds and more, without custom programming or scripting. The Components Manager helps you quickly locate all the elements you need for interactive website creation!
- AJAX support
- Build AJAX-powered websites with tabs, toggle panes and wizards for a highly interactive website experience.
- Site Safe
- Get new SiteStyles delivered directly to the Online View with Cloud Burst, the online delivery system. Then install these website templates, photos, images and tutorials for immediate use with just a click.
- Interactive websites
- With a collection of Asynchronous JavaScript® and XML (AJAX) widgets, Website Creator X6 makes it easy to design websites that feature dynamic user interactivity.
- Create a professional-looking website thanks to support for a wide range of web development technologies, including RSS feeds, CSS, XHTML, PHP, ASP.NET, ColdFusion®, and JSP. Take advantage of a WYSIWYG design environment that offers the simplicity of wizards along with advanced HTML object and CSS inspectors.
- Drag-and-drop web design
- Place images, text or other page elements exactly where you want them with drag-and-drop design capability.
- Timeline Editor
- Use the Timeline Editor to give life to static website content, such as text, photos, graphics and video. You can easily create sophisticated animations using the familiar drag-and-drop editing environment.
- Site Wizard
- Create a modern website with high-impact visual appeal in three easy steps.
- Web design templates and SiteStyles
- Choose from a variety of web design templates and SiteStyles for quick, attractive website creation.
- Drag-and-drop simplicity
- Drag and place any text, image or page element exactly where you want it
- Graphics editor
- Crop, color correct and resize images with ease.
Persyaratan Komputer Untuk Instalasi Corel website Creator :
- 660 MHz Intel® Pentium® III processor or AMD equivalent
- Microsoft® Windows® XP with SP3 / Windows Vista® / Windows® 7
- 250 MB of available hard disk space
- 512 MB RAM – 1 GB recommended if running multiple applications simultaneously
- 32-bit ODBC drivers for external database connectivity
- TCP/IP compliance for Internet connectivity
- Broadband Internet connection recommended
- SVGA display capable of 1024 x 768, 32-bit recommended
- Windows® Internet Explorer® 7 or later (installed with Website Creator X6)
- Adobe® Flash® Player 9 or later (installed with Website Creator X6. For live rendering of Flash Components)
- Verdana TrueType® font (available with Internet Explorer 7
Nah setelah agan-agan bingung membaca di atas, sekarang agan-agan tinggal download softwarenya dibawah ini :
Download Corel website Creator X6
Activator Corel website Creator
Password : www.sohibulhabib.com
Nah demikianlah tadi postingan saya kali ini tentang Download Corel Website Creator X6 Full Version dan semoga postingan saya kali ini bisa menambah wawasan dan membantu agan-agan semuanya. Terimakasih
2 komentar
Teimakasih gan semoga diberikan banyak rezeki, kesehatan selalu, ,,ijin downloadnya,
oke gan,. silahkan download aja,.
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